Infinity Nikki

worldwide-campaignsInfinity Nikki

Infold Games

Renaissance was the communication agency for PR & media across NA, UK & EMEA, along with managing worldwide content creators for the run up to launch of Infold Games Cozy Open-World adventure Infinity Nikki on PlayStation 5, PC & mobile.

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Within the first 7 days of the review embargo drop & Story Trailer announcement press release there were 1,195 articles published, reaching an estimated potential of 14.3 billion views across the globe.

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Articles, reviews & guides have been published from many key Tier 1 media such as IGN (94.3m), ScreenRant (66.4m), Sports Illustrated (64.4m), Tgcom (50m), GameRant (48m) & Gamespot (45.7m), to name just a few.

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Coverage has been very positive both with the story trailer debut and the review embargo, with metacritic score currently sitting at 80 & IGN giving it a 9/10 along with including it in it’s GOTY nominations. IGN also hosted the guides on their homepage the week of launch. The game was also downloaded over 10 million times in the first week.

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